30 August 2007


The other night (or was it morning) I came down the stairs and I thought I got a whiff of bawang goreng. Maybe it was my mum frying it earlier, in the kitchen. You know how some smells just hang around... durian, belachan...

Anyway the smell is one that calls back memories. These days, you get bawang goreng in hawker food (like today's fish porridge), but it's virtually always the commercial type (and then?) The bawang goreng we have at home is different. It's thinly sliced, so painstakingly, then oh-so-slowly stir-fried over a low, low fire, till it turns a light brown. You can't fry it till it's just right because it will still brown after it's removed from the fire, it's so hot. And all the while, a most delicious aroma fills the kitchen (and the house). Simple, yet so fragrant, and unmatched by anything you get outside.

I wonder what other smells are so evocative for me...

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