18 August 2007

The end

In Singapore there are the Peranakan Association and the Gunong Sayang Association, both dedicated to Peranakan activities. I've been to some of the Gunong Sayang plays with G T Lye invariably the anchor for those productions. Also the band was invariably some Malay guys which I always thought a bit unusual.

Anyway, thinking about it, my grandparents' generation were the ones to really use all those proverbs, idioms and sayings naturally. My parents' generation are the ones to understand them, but only use normal Baba Malay fluently. My generation, in Singapore at least, don't really understand the idioms and proverbs, probably understand normal Baba Malay, but can't speak it so fluently (depends on family background, skarang semua champor/chelop). My children's generation? The end. Close chapter.

I think, looking at the websites of the above associations, maybe there's hope yet. But I and my family (father & mother's sides) aren't members, so the language and culture will probably die out by the next generation.

1 comment:

nyonyapenang said...

Hi Babasingapura,

Maybe if you have the time and inclination, its still not too late for you and your family members to join those associations to help keep the culture alive.